Lucky Loser - Ein Sommer in der Bredouille

Sjanger: Feature film / Trailer
År: 2016/2017
Lengde: 02:07 min
Beskrivelse: It has been nine years since the break-up of the marriage between Mike and Claudia. Yet while Claudia has moved on and now leads a picture-perfect life in the suburbs with her new partner Thomas and their daughter Hannah, Mike still longs for his ex-wife. As if being stuck with a crappy job was not enough, he loses his apartment as well. Just then, teenage Hannah decides to move in with her dad. Mike enjoys spending time with his daughter, but now he does not have a place to house her. Thus he invites Hannah to stay with him on a camping site, allegedly just for the holidays. Soon, they are joined by Hannah's secret boyfriend Otto, who turns out to be twice her age. When Claudia, who worries about her daughter, turns up as well, Mike glimpses a second chance.
Leverandør: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Rettigheter: In Copyright / Farbfilm Verleih GmbH (Berlin)
Director: Nico Sommer
Language: de